From Scientists to Innovators for Industry (SCI FI)

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From Scientists to Innovators for Industry (SCI FI)


You are a (young) scientist wanting to change from an academic, research driven setting to an industry career path?
And you have a keen desire to actually apply your research on a medical problem to improve patients’ lives but are concerned if you possess the right skill set in order to make this change to industry?
Then we have exactly the right program for you, where you will learn and apply industry specific skills in order facilitate your transition from academia to industry!

SCI FI 2021
SCI FI 2021
From Scientists to Innovators for Industry / SciFi, is a 3-month blended-learning programme consisting of online modules (with 7 basic modules and 3 industry specific modules), webinars, mentoring sessions and rounded off by three events (kick-off, mid programme and final event).

Learn skills that our industry partners considered vital for a successful onboarding to industry:

Module 1: communication, collaboration

Module 2: understanding customer needs, design thinking & prototyping

Module 3: strategic management

Module 4: problem solving & critical thinking

Module 5: project management

Module 6: operational management

Module 7: finance & market access

Bonus modules on intellectual property, medical device regulation and digital transformation.

SciFi consists of a large consortium of academic and industry partners from MedTech and Pharma:

Academic Partners:Medical University of Lodz (Poland), Medical University of Gdansk (Poland), Maastricht University (Netherlands), National University of Ireland-Galway (Ireland), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Industry Partners/Non-academic Partners: Boehringer Ingelheim, Philips, Roche, FreshBlood, DEX, MADoPA

Who should apply? Young scientists (PhDs and PostDocs) who are interested in starting a career in industry.

Applications are open till the 30.06.2021

More details: SCI FI 2021 (4.68 MB)
For further information please visit: SCI FI

Still not sure if this is the right programme for you? Then come and join our Information Webinar and find out more about the benefits of the SCI FI programme!

Information Webinar:

The aim of the webinar is to present the assumptions of SCI FI and to answer all questions of potential participants to encourage candidates to apply for our programme.
When: 19th May 2021, from 5pm till 6.30pm (CEST)
How to register: EIT Health Alumni
Where:Online (Zoom link will be shared in a confirmation email)

17:00 – 17:05 Welcome and Introduction
17:05 – 17:15 Introduction to EIT Health
17:15 – 17:25 Introduction to SCI FI Consortium
17:25 – 17:45 SCI FI – what to expect and how to apply
17:45 – 18:15 Q&A
18:15 – 18:25 Why should you apply to SCI FI? Statements from Industry
18:25 – 18:30 Closing

2nd Information Webinar:

The aim is to answer any additional questions from potential Candidates.
When: 23rd Jun 2021, from 4pm till 5pm (CEST)
How to register: EIT Health Alumni
Where:Online (Zoom link will be shared in a confirmation email)

16:00 – 16:05 Welcome and Introduction
16:05 – 16:10 Introduction to SCI FI Consortium
16:10 – 16:30 SCI FI – what to expect and how to apply
16:30 – 16:50 Q&A
16:50 – 17:00 Closing

If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact:
Dr inż. Magdalena Śliwińska-Bartel, EIT Health Project Coordinator